Kyle’s Six Week eBike Commuting Update

Six weeks of commuting by bike and I can definitely say that my life will never be the same. eBike commuting has been so beneficial to both my mental and physical health that I can’t imagine not continuing to commute by bike. I think the biggest challenge will...
eBike Commuting In Denver

eBike Commuting In Denver

When I started this eBike commuting journey I really had no idea what it was like to commute on a bike regularly.  I had heard the other guys in the shop talk about what it was like but I didn’t have any hands on experience. Being fresh to the bike commuting...

eBike Commuting Health Effects

There were many different reasons that I wanted to start commuting to work by bike instead of with my car. Reducing my carbon footprint, working at a bike shop and wanting to test out our bikes, not wanting to sit in forty minutes of Denver traffic, but the reason...
The Economics Of An eBike

The Economics Of An eBike

Do you ever wish you could get out of the traffic on your commute to work and save money? The yearly cost of operating an electric bike as a main commuter vehicle is significantly less than operating a car. Lets calculate the cost based on a commute of eight miles....
Why Are eBikes So Expensive?

Why Are eBikes So Expensive?

A quick google search for e-bikes reveals bikes priced anywhere from $300 to $10,000. So why are some electric bikes more expensive than others? Without a doubt, the costliest single item on an electric bike is the battery. Premium lithium ion batteries on e-bikes...