Winter Health: Braving The Cold Commute

Winter Health: Braving The Cold Commute

There’s No Bad Weather, Just Bad Clothes I sold my car over two years ago, so I commute on my bike year round. After several winters of bike commuting, I have a pretty good idea of what to wear for every temperature range and have amassed a large amount of winter...

Kyle’s Six Week eBike Commuting Update

Six weeks of commuting by bike and I can definitely say that my life will never be the same. eBike commuting has been so beneficial to both my mental and physical health that I can’t imagine not continuing to commute by bike. I think the biggest challenge will...
eBike Commuting In Denver

eBike Commuting In Denver

When I started this eBike commuting journey I really had no idea what it was like to commute on a bike regularly.  I had heard the other guys in the shop talk about what it was like but I didn’t have any hands on experience. Being fresh to the bike commuting...

eBike Commuting Health Effects

There were many different reasons that I wanted to start commuting to work by bike instead of with my car. Reducing my carbon footprint, working at a bike shop and wanting to test out our bikes, not wanting to sit in forty minutes of Denver traffic, but the reason...