Why We Provide Rentals

At GoodTurn we find that many people who stop into the shop have never experienced what it is like to ride an electric bicycle. Our desire is to allow everyone the opportunity to ride an ebike and our rental program provides for that desire. We think that a ride on...
The Economics Of An eBike

The Economics Of An eBike

Do you ever wish you could get out of the traffic on your commute to work and save money? The yearly cost of operating an electric bike as a main commuter vehicle is significantly less than operating a car. Lets calculate the cost based on a commute of eight miles....
Why Are eBikes So Expensive?

Why Are eBikes So Expensive?

A quick google search for e-bikes reveals bikes priced anywhere from $300 to $10,000. So why are some electric bikes more expensive than others? Without a doubt, the costliest single item on an electric bike is the battery. Premium lithium ion batteries on e-bikes...
How An Electric Bike Works

How An Electric Bike Works

Yes — electric bikes have a battery and motor, but how do they actually work? Most electric bikes work in the same way as regular bikes but have a battery-powered motor that provides assistance on demand to the rider. Although some e-bikes have a throttle that...